Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Prime movers Lab
1. A. Garcia, P. Carlucci, J. Monsalve-Serrano, A. Valletta, S. Martinez-Boggio, Energy management optimization for a power-split hybrid in a dual-mode RCCI-CDC engine. Applied Energy 302 (2021) 117525 (10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117525).
2. A.T. Hoang, M. Tabatabaei, M Aghbashlo, A.P. Carlucci, A.I. Olçer, A.T. Le, A. Ghassemi, Rice bran oil-based biodiesel as a promising renewable fuel alternative to petrodiesel: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110204 ( ISSN: 1364-0321.
3. Benegiamo, M., Carlucci, A., Mulone, V., and Valletta, A., “Effect of incorporating the thermal management of the three-way catalyst on energy efficiency and tailpipe emissions for a P2 parallel hybrid vehicle”, SAE Int. J. Elect. Veh. 10(1):41-54 (2021), doi:10.4271/14-10-01-0004.
4. M. Benegiamo, A. Valletta, A.P. Carlucci, V. Mulone: “Impact of Thermal Management of the Three-Way Catalyst on the Energy Efficiency of a P2 Gasoline FHEV”, 2020 CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference, Torino (Italy). SAE Technical Paper 2020-37-0019, 2020, doi: 10.4271/2020-37-0019, ISSN: 0148-7191.
5. A. Caricato, A. Capodieci, A. P. Carlucci, A. Ficarella, L. Mainetti and C. Vergallo: “Using Naïve Bayes Machine Learning approach to evaluate performance on spare parts request for aircraft engines”, 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens, 2-4 September 2020.
6. M. Benegiamo, A.P. Carlucci, V. Mulone, A. Valletta, Analysis of the integration of the three-way catalyst thermal management in the on-line supervisory control strategy of a gasoline full hybrid vehicle. E3S Web of Conferences 19722 (2020) 06008 - 75th National ATI Congress (10.1051/e3sconf/202019706008).
7. A. Capodieci, A. Caricato, A.P. Carlucci, L. Mainetti, C. Vergallo, Using different machine learning approaches to evaluate performance on spare parts request for aircraft engines. E3S Web of Conferences 19722 (2020) 06008 - 75th National ATI Congress (10.1051/e3sconf/202019711014).
8. A. Caricato, A.P. Carlucci, A. Ficarella, L. Strafella, Assessment of late pilot injection effect in dual-fuel combustion. E3S Web of Conferences 19722 (2020) 06008 - 75th National ATI Congress (10.1051/e3sconf/202019706010).
9. Madaro, F., Mehdipour, I., Caricato, A., Guido, F., Rizzi, F., Carlucci, A.P., De Vittorio, M., Available Energy in Cars’ Exhaust System for IoT Remote Exhaust Gas Sensor and Piezoelectric Harvesting. Energies 13 (2020) 4169 ( ISSN: 1996-1073.
10. A.P. Carlucci, A. Ficarella, L. Strafella, G. Trullo, Comprehensive characterization of the behavior of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) used on a Dual-Fuel Engine, Journal of Energy Engineering 146(6) (2020) 04020055 (10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000703) ISSN: 0733-9402.
11. A. Garcia, P. Carlucci, J. Monsalve-Serrano, A. Valletta, S. Martinez-Boggio, Energy management strategies comparison for a parallel full hybrid electric vehicle using Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition combustion, Applied Energy 272 (2020) 115191.
12. F. Jaliliantabar, L. Strafella, A. Santino, S. de Domenico, A.P. Carlucci, B. Ghobadian, R. Mamat, A. Ficarella, G. Najafi, A comprehensive study on the effect of pilot injection, EGR rate, IMEP and biodiesel characteristics on a CRDI diesel engine, Energy 194 (2020); Article 116860 (
13. A. La Rocca, A. Ferrante, E. Haffner-Staton, A. Cairns, A. Weilhard, V. Sans, A.P. Carlucci, D. Laforgia: “Investigating the impact of copper leaching on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions in HPCR diesel engines”, Fuel 263 (1 March 2020), Article 116719 (DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116719).
14. P. Visconti, P. Primiceri, R. de Fazio, L. Strafella, A. Ficarella, A.P. Carlucci: “Light-Induced ignition of Carbon Nanotubes and energetic nano-materials: a review on methods and advanced technical solutions for nanoparticles-enriched fuels combustion”, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 59 (2020) 26-46 (DOI: 10.1515/rams-2020-0010) ISSN: 16065131.
15. L. Bartolucci, A.P. Carlucci, S. Cordiner, A. Ficarella, V. Mulone, J. Quoidbach, L. Strafella: “Dual-Fuel Combustion Fundamentals: Experimental-Numerical Analysis into a Constant-Volume Vessel”, 74th ATI National Congress - AIP Conf. Proc. 2191, 020015-1–020015-10;
16. F. Jaliliantabar, B. Ghobadian, G. Najafi, R. Mamat, A.P. Carlucci: “Multi-objective NSGA-II optimization of a compression ignition engine parameters using biodiesel fuel and exhaust gas recirculation”, Energy 187 (15 November 2019), Article 115970 (DOI:10.1016/