Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Prime movers Lab
The Lab
• Dynamometer (steady-transient) SYSTEM ANTRIEBSTECHNIK 60 kW - 8000 rpm;
• Single cylinder research engine AVL Engine 5402 (also operating in optical mode) fed with diesel fuel, biodiesel, or in dual-fuel mode with CNG, H2, LPG, gas mixtures of CO, CO2, H2, CH4, N2 in variable %;
• Dynamometer AVL ALPHA 160 kW, 10000 rpm, 400 Nm, with AVL PUMA control system;
• Dynamometer AVL ALPHA 240 kW, 10000 rpm, 600 Nm, with AVL PUMA control system;
• Pollutant emission analyzer AVL AMA i60;
• AVL 733S systems for the measurement of the average consumption of the engine;
• AVL indicating system for in-cylinder pressure characterization;
• AVL Engine Videoscope 513D with Termovision module;
• Constant-volume vessel equipped for high pressure imaging and granulometric spray characterization in the absence or presence of combustion;
• Dilution tunnel for gravimetric measurement of particulate;
• 0D-1D software: AVL Boost, Ricardo Wave;
• 3D software: AVL Fire, ANSYS Fluent, Kiva3V, Ricardo Vectis;
• Modefrontier (Esteco) multi-objective optimization Environment;
• AVL Micro soot sensor;
• AVL Smoke Meter;
• LabView for acquisition and post processing of signals;
• Data acquisition boards from 5 to 50 kHz;
• P.E.M.S.